Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tornto Backyardigans Cake

Welcome to Paradise. Raj, a standard model. To the left of wolves in sheep's clothing, to the right Świniów podkładańce, opposite the charming swamp. I hope my hunch is wrong, but it takes place around a fat scam. And a little anxious, because the tricks up his sleeve too much I do not. He may, therefore, I'll be sitting at the moment, he smiled and tried to keep the rules. In the worst case I leave the game in negliżu, though honorably. More piquant details in the vicinity of August.

With regard to more mundane this work, how nice it paid slightly annoying, social life in its infancy and even more for something I really do not want to. It's probably from the gym, what I walk on it five times a week (see above for negliżu). Catching up for a bit of cooking and on Sunday will be the association of dumplings, upichciłem pretty successful mazurka with rose and almond and I'm soon to be a decent attack on the Thai kitchen. I am in total terms, is not it?

a long time, I am also the head with an idea for something like ! Actually, in some way, drove the business in Krakowiu, but without any preliminary. We'll see, we'll see ...

song in the atmosphere:


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