Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nadine Jansen, Vacation

pałętał his time on movie posters about making a list of things that we want to survive before they die. Experiencing them from death apparently is a lot cooler than after. I like to admit that I have a few more notes to be published this evening it goes out of order - and it is because odkreśliłem a spot on the list. Well, I got behind the first two musicals in London. First, simply because it:

admit, very nice and light, even though the theater was under the railway station, and sometimes sounds a little train suitable underground nature of the project. However, today

przytupem already. Already in the first act, when the hall is posypało confetti * I had to start to watch. If anyone is wondering, these were not tears of emotion. I was definitely not excited. Acacia simply shedding checked. I have no idea why franca in the theater just dust, but it does so terribly namolnie. Luckily I was able to grasp before the second act, and what follows is without any mishaps.

And next Saturday is:

* I suppose that the ability to delight in the musical is something I built into the genome. Goes together in a package with the ability to distinguish colors (especially elephant **) and the fact that my girlfriend is called Adam *** **
elephant is one color, like an elephant in half Cut the
** any resemblance to persons, incidental, as it simply made up the name


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