Christian salvation and the salvation of the gentiles
The road to salvation is only in Jesus:
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father except through me." (Jn 14,8-9)
What, then, from the infidels? clear that there is no such thing as a partial salvation. The Church's teaching is simple: the Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church in full, so the Catholic Church has the fullness of the means of salvation in itself. Instead, there are also other communities, ranging from the major Christian churches, by various churches, also profess Christianity, to the followers of other monotheistic religions, and even polytheistic. In these communities, to varying degrees, we are called. grain of truth, that is, elements that are true - in practice: in accordance with the teachings of the Church!
In this way, we can say that the Protestant churches in a sense belong to the Church of Christ - by virtue of belonging, which is the Catholic Church through the Holy Spirit in them, and those elements of the true doctrines. Even the polytheistic religions and atheists in some way-there are triaged to the People of God. So where is the salvation? Salvation is only in the Church of Christ, which subsists in the Catholic Church. The Church is thus necessarily required to salvation. T not to say that an atheist, Muslim, or Protestant could not be saved. Yes, they could not if they knew that it was in the Catholic Church is the fullness of truth, frankly acknowledging that the heart, although it would not come into full communion with KK, or to persevere in it. But are such fools, who would know that somewhere there is salvation, and yet they went in another direction for its commodification? I do not know, hard for me to imagine.
So while the Protestant believes that complying with God's will - be saved. Under the salvation of the Church and its affiliation to him by the same good will and the grains of truth. analogy applies to the Muslim or even atheist. Will be judged from the proceedings in accordance with their system of values, of love. If you will be saved - and may be, if not deliberately reject Jesus and the Church - it is by the salvation of the Church.
What else in this topic ...? Aha - it does not mean that we cease our search for truth. No, the opposite: if you really follow the moral law engraved in me, regardless of religion, I will come near to God, so God will show me more and more of Me and drew closer and closer - until the conversion and consequently - to come into full communion with Church. Because God does not want us to play only rejoice in the Heavenly Jerusalem as the church triumphant - but now the costs of its foretaste of the Pilgrim Church!
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