Monday, May 23, 2011

Should I Cover My Indoor Rabbit Cage On A Night

How do the banks

Hey, did

I close my account the previous bank account. Unfortunately, everything indicates that my money is tied him pigeon, who just tries to fly to a new bank. I hope that does not fall on the road.

Salary has already led to a new account. That's a total good news - the previous bank does not find it in your hands and it will not be attached to various birds. I transfer you the money for the rent the evening (I'd do it now, but needs a blue device that I recently sent, along with a dead squirrel and a handful of salt).

I will try to set a standing order, I will unfortunately have to first check phase of the moon, and whether the system is compatible with your current oribtą Jupiter. In the event of complications as soon as possible I will try to get to Stonehenge and make any necessary corrections.

Yours, JA


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