Friday, February 18, 2011

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Sometimes, thinking about things final, considering the end of the world. Often we associate with global extinction, the destruction of life on Earth. But we forget that each of us waiting for our own end of the world - death. Father Leo has the uneasy about it.
tries to answer the questions at actually mean the end of the world, if you can predict the time in which to happen? Will look like and how to prepare for? Is there anyway you can to get ready? Were you able to find answers to these difficult questions? See for yourself! :)

the Bible about the end of the world:

beginning of Genesis tells about the creation of the world and man. Completion of the last book of the New Testament of the Bible contains the announcement of the second coming of the Lord, which will cease to temporality. Loving God, who brought the world into existence, Scripture. announces the end of the world is not complete, but its most profound transformation. Make it God, the Creator of the world, who, being Love, invariably wishes to all living things, and especially humanity, the unity and communion with Him has made salvation, or eternal happiness.

I saw a new heaven and new earth (Rev. 21:1)
With the creation of the world was divinely established order everywhere visible. Thanks to the world lasts, and its individual components, but differ widely, and even contradict themselves, seen together, contribute to a harmonious space. The providence of God is constantly watching to make this a great all grown up, in which the decisive role played by the miracle of procreation. This is where God's gift is an expression of approval of all living beings, among whom a man is absolutely privileged position for ongoing continuing work of creation.
lively awareness of the beginning of everything directs human attention to the perspective of the end. Cause of the creation of the world and of man is boundless love of God. Citing everything the existence of God somehow shared the immense richness of your inner life with which He exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In creating man "in his image and likeness, endowing it with reason and free will, God has predestined him to start living together, or eternal life. Although the original sin threw a terrible shadow over this original intention of God, but it is not destroyed. "Death entered the world through the devil's envy" (Wis 2:24), but God has overcome both. The work of creation has been enriched by him with an equally generous the work of salvation, whose peak is the incarnation of the Son of God in Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus not only confirmed, but clearly showed that God is Love.
Przejściowość world order in which they entered is the fate of every man, appointed by the conception, birth, life and death, shows that we are currently incarcerated in the flesh. The Bible repeatedly says that "the history of the beginning" has its counterpart in the inevitable "end" of everything.
Such hopes have already expressed the Old Testament prophet Isaiah (65.17, 66.22), and painted by the images of a renewed and reworked the world refer to the paradise garden of Eden, who began giving is a generous man by God. While in its early days the world was called into existence from nothing, so much the end of the world does not mean turning it into nothingness. If that were to happen, life would be unbearable. Turning the world into nothingness effectively prevents the loving providence of God, which recognize the signs of his harmonious duration. The fruit of that love and the manifestation of this transformation will also, as a result of which gives way to the realm of eternity.
People are afraid of "end of the world," as if it had to be total annihilation of everything. They are afraid that it will cease to exist. This fear can rightly be called existential. Meanwhile, the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ is proof that "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (Jn 3:16).'s Death is not an absolute end, but through a radical transformation brought about by God, the Lord of life, the gateway to a new way of life. Similarly, the end of the world " does not mean falling into nothingness, but "a new heaven and new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth passed away" (Revelation 21:1).
Tell us when it will be (Matthew 24.3)
The Old Testament repeatedly speaks of the termination of the order of the world, part of which currently are. Radical intervention of God is presented as a kind of go through the initial chaos, which is completely changing the world and purify it. Since it is impossible to imagine it, the Bible operates paintings przywołującymi account of the creation of the world and man. The New Testament also confirms that all elements will be shaken, so that the "old" world will see its renewal, which he had never been able to achieve. Some biblical images raises terror, as accustomed to the harmony of creation we fear such phenomena as earthquakes (Isaiah 24.19), a total eclipse of the sun, moon and the stars (Isaiah 13.10, Jl 2.10, 4.15) complete incoherence and emptiness (Jer 4,23-26; Mt 24,29-31). Prisoners in the flesh, but we know it. Even if a strong trust in God, we can not predict or determine what will be forever lay. News of God's work in it will be so great that it can rightly be called the "new creation".
temporality is fit in time. For this reason, the anticipated "the end" we want to include in chronological order and even set the date. Such an expression of curiosity, gave the disciples of Jesus. Responding to them, they taught that the end of the current world order is inextricably linked to his second coming, which will occur when the work of salvation will receive its final fulfillment. However, unnecessary anxiety, as well as investigations are unnecessary when the This happens because "of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but only the Father. And as the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man. For as in the time before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and for husband seemed, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and swept them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man "(Mt 24,36-39).
final transformation of temporality, so that it will turn into participation in God's eternity, is associated with a common court of God over the world and mankind. Will is primarily to restore disturbed by sin, justice, or the victory of good over evil. In court, the ultimate God is most fully revealed his love, which has already appeared in his Son. "For God sent not his Son in order to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him" (Jn 3:17). Fruits of God's love is always present and visible in the world and are experienced by those who open themselves to God and His mercy. Christian rather than anxiety about "the end of the world", he should cultivate and promote an attitude of unlimited trust in God and His mercy. This is what we will eventually go through, it will be seen and experienced as the most complete realization of salvific plan of the Creator and Savior. Indications
Jesus bring relief: the place undue curiosity, which encourages us to situate in time and predict the most mysterious designs of God, you must select the alert, which is the essence of cooperation with God. Resulting from the certainty of faith in him saving the world and of man leads to the belief that all existence has a profound meaning, and at the time known only to God the world will be saved from total destruction and extensively renovated. New order will establish an eternal kingdom of God, through whom all things created, will be transformed to perfection, which can only be his.


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