Friday, February 18, 2011

Hampton Bay Ceiling Fan Globes Replacement

Homosexuality is the relationship between men and women sentient sexual attraction, the sole or dominant, to the people of the same sex - (CCC, 2357).
Where does the tendency to homosexuality? The Church's teaching is that its psychological genesis is largely not clarified. But he adds that people do not choose this tendency, it is deeply embedded in their psyche. Today's research capabilities allow us a bit closer the origins of homosexuality. Well, not so. "Homosexuality gene". Researchers from the University of Illinois in the U.S. claim that the human sexual orientation, several unrelated genes. However, genetic predispositions is not enough to make sure that in a particular individual will develop a homosexual. Extremely important is also influenced by the environment in which that person lives. It is therefore possible that under appropriate conditions discussed with her propensity to not appear.
But if they do occur, such persons shall continue to live out God's will. If they are Christians, should work through the difficulties arising from his sexual condition to try to bring the spirit of sacrifice that Christ made on the cross. Are thus regarded their experience as a cross, which each man in different ways in life experiences.
Science Church does not approve of homosexual practice and treats it as a sin. This is based on the Scriptures, which presents homosexual acts as the opposite kind of shame and perversion. They are contrary to nature, because it excludes the possibility of a new life. Oppose in this way God, who in the sexual act has entered the gift of life. The relationship of two men or two homosexual women combines sexuality and feelings, which should be mutually supportive. This is possible only in the conjugal love of man and woman.
Church calls homosexual persons to chastity by developing in themselves the virtues of self-control. Has it lead to the achievement of spiritual freedom to their inclinations. Moreover, the doctrine of the Church proclaims that these individuals may be closer to Christian perfection. To achieve this, they should seek the support of friends, to pray and receive the sacraments, that by not receive the necessary grace.
So how homosexuals should be treated, to help them through this difficult experience? The Church's teaching calls for respect, compassion and tenderness towards such people. They should not be for his tendency unduly discriminate.


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