Friday, February 18, 2011

Message Brazilian Wax Charlotte

Contraception Homosexuality

Even among practicing Catholics is not uncommon view that the Church's teaching on contraception is too restrictive and destructive influence on marital relationships. Representatives of dozens of dissident Catholic associations from many countries have gone even a step further and called in an open letter to Pope Benedict XVI to lift the ban introduced by the Church of contraception. As written, the Church's opposition to contraception has disastrous consequences for the poor and vulnerable throughout the world, puts in jeopardy the lives of women and exposing millions of people at risk of contracting HIV. Understanding the sources and reasons for rejecting artificial methods of contraception for many is not easy. So why the Church forbids contraception?
In light of the teachings of the Catholic Church belongs to the so-called contraception. deeds "intrinsically evil", ie nothing unjustifiable, because essentially opposed to the marriage, whose goal is mutual love between spouses and procreation. John Paul II in his encyclical "Veritatis Splendor" teaches that one must not agree to choose the lesser evil, by the kind of thinking: better to use an anti-conception than an abortion.

In an act of married spouses have to reckon with the possibility of conceiving a child. The structure of the sexual act combines two aspects: the unitive and procreative. Expresses at the double "body": spousal and parental. Conjugal act is an integral unity of spousal and parental sense. Contraception, however, leads to break the link between procreation and unifying sense, because in order to bring discharge of sexual tension remains only sensual pleasure and achievement. It is an expression of conditional acceptance of a partner, ie if it is deprived of its procreative capacity.

contraceptive techniques violate the moral order established by God and an expression of opposition to him. This is because when the couple through contraception deprive their married life the potential capacity of parental claim for themselves, not God the ultimate authority to decide about the existence of the human person.

use of contraceptives also causes interference to a healthy body. Medicine able to draw a broad list of side effects of artificial methods of preventing pregnancy, affecting negatively the health of the woman and her future offspring. Negative appraisal of contraception depends not on its harmfulness. Even if the measures were developed, the health-and so their application would be immoral.

There is growing consensus about the bad effects of contraception on their mental health. Mechanical means to reduce the sexual experience, and thus the possibility of achieving full sexual satisfaction. Chemicals reduce normal sexual feelings and sensations disturb conditions intimate approximation of the before and after intercourse. Means and cause intrauterine anatomical and physiological changes and affect the endocrine system via the nervous system of women. Act intermittently causes a feeling of tension associated with the pause in the approximation of policing and fear that it will break too late, which reduces the joy of contact. In practice, this may lead to frigidity and sexual anxiety neurosis.

Using contraceptives leads to so. attitude of "no" to life. As a rule, in fact, may prove unreliable, is released aggression against the unborn child, who becomes a victim of unwanted abortions.

contraception leads to the fixation of selfishness in marriage, is opposed to love, responsibility and dignity. The use of contraceptives a woman brings to the role of things, the subject of the use of a man released from liability. Underlying its use is no self-control and immoderate seeking of sexual pleasure.

From the standpoint of the Church is not acceptable to a method of preventing the onset of AIDS involving the use of condoms. This method decreases the risk, but does not eliminate it completely. Proposing that the measure is tantamount to driving the vicious cycle of behavior, which in turn leads to further infections. The most vulnerable people can come to the conclusion that the mode of death, life threatening condition after using a condom to be safe.


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