About nostalgia
Pituitary me tired. And also the hypothalamus. Over, releasing the little fuck that half of winter kept me on the surface and Ĺ‚ubudu - lie. The pluses - a week has passed soon, though only because on Tuesday remain in a kind of stuporze. Even after the transfusion of jujitsu mats did not help *.
As a result, I decided to bake again this weekend, because it somehow helps. Even went to Polish shop, and there attacked me nostalgia. Miejsza already potato flour, which was in the basket I grabbed the still in question. I got a curd. But only at home, it turned out that I bought a pound of oatmeal! I do not know how or why, because as I live I do not remember I ever get them interested. And what's with them to do now? Indian Flakes? I think that it will not accept.
* admit that the workouts take on color: "Together legs. I know - the instinct, but fight it Fight! Knees together." In the male group, in a sense. Mina passing drivers - priceless.
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