Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Make Alabama Birthday Cake

Who was Cain's wife? Marriage

From Cain took a wife, since he himself was the first child of Adam and Eve a Genesis. 4.1 ? There is no great mystery. Cain had siblings. Not only did Abel MOJŻ.4 1, 2 and Seth a Genesis. 4.25 , but also other brothers and sisters: "After the birth of Seth, Adam lived eight hundred years and begot sons and daughters" a Genesis. 5.4 .
Getting married brothers conclude with the sisters. Some are outrageous, since then God has forbidden such compounds Genesis 3. 1918-1920 . Note, however, that the prohibition did not appear until the time of Moses. More 400 years earlier, Abraham could marry his sister - Abraham and Sarah had the same father but different mothers a Genesis. 20.12 .
Prohibition relationships between close relatives is legal in most countries of the world, because they are born with a large percentage of disadvantaged children. Until recently, they did not know the cause of this phenomenon. Today it is known to cause these errors (mutations) in the genetic code, which overlap in the children of close relatives who inherit a degenerate gene from both father and mother.
In the days of Cain was not yet a problem, because the first generation of people did not degenerate genes. God created everything "very good" a Genesis. 1.31 . Cain could marry his sister, niece and her niece without adverse consequences for future generations. But since sin existed, the process of gradual degeneration also affected the genetic code, in which mutations started to appear. After 2500 years God had prohibited trade between the relatives to protect the people of God from degeneration Genesis 3. 1918-1920 . Moreover, in times of Moses, lived on earth so many people that even the chosen people, of which the descendants of Abraham had taken his wife was fairly abundant 2 Genesis. 12.37 that no one had to look in his wife's family, just as Abraham.


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