Saturday, February 5, 2011

Reuest Latter To Priest

About Music

I love music. She's obviously me, too. Unfortunately - if you love her more stately and less passionately, it falls on its part is already in a mild obsession and stalking. We all remember that I lived at one time a wall in the wall of unfulfilled rock musician, n'est-ce pas?

przemrówkowałem As if there were * some time ago to Promyczka and everything was beautiful. Actually, for all is still good, but ... I see, "but." At our lives, no joke - the opera singer. Fortunately it is heard rather infrequently, though occasionally doors ... practicing. The first time it actually do not even believe.

above us and the lives of Irish couple who are clearly enthusiastic about classical hardshoe . What hardshoe ? Please:

Well, every morning starts with ballet. Podjrzewam that attach the bricks to the feet and occurs in the window on the door het, on ref. Probably not always work out, because sometimes he throws it against the door, and she smack him a stool. Are lovely, but seriously - sometimes I feel that the two of them fighting to the rhythm of furniture Gaelic folk.

dripping with happiness. I suppose the lack of problems would be able to bring everyone to tears by a psychotherapist. Though upon my word, once wypełznę of expression of the sixth, wespnę up the stairs and bite rate of the lap.

* means every day parenaśnie to come by with a backpack on the previous locale and amounted to little things. How so go on, you end up somewhere in the middle of March.


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