Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Men Who Wear Women's Panties

I have already said more than once that I think. Generally, try not to too often, because it interferes in your life, but still sometimes. Recently moved me wiekizm. We all know that generally in his early thirties, the only thing you can do to wyheblować the coffin and to be buried. At least according to all the supposedly great młodzianów.

Apart from the fact that I feel now - quite literally - thirty breath on my neck, I wonder how many lives are cut out for us. In terms of how to międzypokoleniowo do not understand. On the one hand The less callow I'm better. On the other hand, slowly draw the stereotype of youth. I wonder how many understand the world escapes me, but by the fact that a person older than me for 10 years and write a number of turns in the coils, which do not even know they exist.

though you probably already raving. Do something.


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