Satan's power is not infinite. (CCC 395). An evil spirit can not directly affect the will and intellect, and knows the secrets of the human conscience. Can not prevent the building of the Kingdom of God. Its operation is limited by God's Providence and the good will of man.
But keep in mind that the devils kept their angelic nature with all its attributes. Their talents exceed human capacity, have a much more developed intelligence, and thus are able to accurately predict future events, and even the health of individuals. They have knowledge of the laws of nature and properties physical creation. They can affect the human senses by stimulating the natural desires, putting in anxiety, and even by delusions. The devils in some specific conditions can cause hallucinations and false revelations, take the form of animals, humans, angels, and even the Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ himself. Padre Pio Holy Satan showed up in the form of naked women, and St. Faustina scary cat in the picture. There are known stories of mock visits, when the evil spirit took on the appearance of the Saints in Heaven and pride using sighted nieautentycznymi spiritual gifts, and false miracles mamił human disguise, antyewangelicznym message. Satan is hiding under the guise of goodness and spiritual development, can draw the gullible into the trap of false mysticism.
Devil in certain circumstances is able to ensnare a man, ie to take control of the human body and use it against the will of the possessed person. Demonic Possession is the most overt form of a presentation by the devil. It is usually the result of a voluntary period of sin or receive dangerous practices of overt or occult hidden character. Jesus possessed egzorcyzmował and the celebration of this sakramentalium entrusted to his apostles. Exorcism must go hand in hand with the conversion of a man possessed, because, as the Gospel teaches, once kicked the devil can come back and harm with double force if the man does not purify his soul (Matthew 12, 43-5). But for the sanctity of the light always comes true, cowardly nature of the devil.
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