Thursday, December 16, 2010

Years Of No Breakout With Herpes


Yogurt, one of the many thousands of food products. On the Polish market, dozens of companies oferującyh yogurt in different flavors and variations and ads that promote them are overly homogeneous. The differences are almost negligible and the attempt to demonstrate their ends deadly boring. In virtually every advertising spot promoting the foodstuff in question, first we approximate the yogurt example of "natural" with pieces of fruit or a demonstration of spinning and przelewającego artistically in a plastic cup. The second part of the spot is of course the consumption of yogurt has 98% percent of the actors ends in ecstasy. Well ......

What if I reverse the roles and put the role of consuming yogurt and human consumed on the spot? A combination of unusual, especially if you create an ad in the style of American movie trailer for the 1985 "The Stuff".

"The Stuff"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Lady Gaga Invitations Wording

Commercialization in Christmas colors

therefore, that now the whole world crazy about the Christmas theme I decided to behave in accordance with the theory of herd, and their two cents about the ads and make public holidays.

's magazine cover "On" from 21.12.2009, the

This is an excellent example of adapting an archetype of the Holy Family of the Christian Old Testament to contemporary culture. It was enough to add some novelty and change the scenery and have a great positive publicity. Instead of a donkey is a silver Cabriolet. Joseph flashes efekciarskim expensive watch and sunglasses, while the Child is playing with the iPhone handset which we see in the ears of Mary. There is even a contemporary sheep - small white dog the kind of "dog in your purse."

Similarly, the brainchild of Red Bull w2007r advertising. The Commission on Ethics prohibited advertising will soon issue its acceding to the protests of some environments, recognizing that it offends the values \u200b\u200bof the Christian religion.

Importing Holy Family to advertising in Poland is rarely used procedure precisely because of fear of being accused of violation of religious feelings. And so, taking the most Santas reindeer are traditionally angels and pixies. Presented in various combinations and scenes. Human voice speaking to us from advertising food and Christmas tree decorations, even the snowman advise what best helps us to cough. With every second billboard Claus waving to us Cocacola or one of the trendy gadgets such Iphone, Ipod, laptop, which wedlog ranking of the "Policy" are among this year for gifts made mandatory.
Last year, pre-Christmas frenzy lasted advertising in Krakow on 15 November, at least on that day I saw the first ad from the Christmas theme - Nicholas recommend the best "holiday" loans.
Commercialization of Christmas This phenomenon already well known to us. Whether we like it or not permanently inscribed on every Christmas traditions. Because I did it without advertising cobyśmy recipes for the perfect holiday, the perfect gift, the perfect atmosphere?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fluorescent Light Not Working

top ranking ads in USA 2010

Seat 8 for advertising portal Crunch Man ......... :) Quite positive

Running Change Periods

Whale of a Tale - Bridgestone Super Bowl Commercial 2010

ad Bridgestone Seat 7 - Whale Tale

Does Terrasil Really Work For Genital Warts 2010 Big Game Commercial - Casual Friday: 30

Place 6 ads website Career Builder - Casual Friday.

Wherecan I Sell A String Of Pearls

top ranking ads in USA 2010

Seat 5 Funny advertising the new Motorola with Megan Fox:)

Birkenstock Style Flip Flpos

top ranking in U.S. ad 2010

No. 4 E-Trade - Baby Girlfriend.

Advertising is part of a campaign of several years of E-Trade "Talking Baby" which achieved great success.
if possible I will be the occasion to present the whole campaign, "Talking Baby"

Acrostic Poems For Simmer

top ranking ads in USA 2010

No. 3 once again chips Dorito's - House rules

Leaking Cervical Mucous

top ranking ads in USA 2010

No. 2 advertising Snickers - in my opinion the best of the best in 2010:)

Top Of Mouth Bleeding

top ranking ads in USA 2010

small jump in the present day.

few posts ago I wrote about Night reklamożerców the presentation of, inter alia, the world's best ads of the categories. except that each country has its own rankings. Over the next few posts will present "ranking of top ads in the U.S. 2010", created by the Internet.

Number 1 Nijas Dorito's pretty funny, though not my favorite

How Long Do Doral Tires

small jump in the present day.

small jump in the present day.

few posts ago I wrote about Night reklamożerców which is a review of the best ads in the category. Here is a list of American "Top Ad" year 2010. One of them is my favorite Snickers ad:)

Cytosport Or Optimum Nutrition

TVP1 ads from 14/12/1992

Brazilian Women Types

Advertising Caro Polonez

Polonez Caro for only one million four hundred thousand:)

How Long Foes Deoderant Last

ads from the 90s

advertising of the 1990 block

What Holds A Shower Rod

Advertising Pekao SA

Advertising Bank PKO SA 1991 is a perfect example of cultural trends in the 90s

Adobe Dreamweaver And Microsoft Frontpage

first Polish commercials

At the turn of 80/90 there was a wider opening of the Polish media market for advertising from the west. The main reason was to determine the so-called "Round Table" which gave the opportunity to develop public television but also the commercial stations Polsat and . On this development were needed funds. The easiest source of obtaining cash were advertising both from foreign and indigenous productions. Here are a few examples. :)

One of the first ad:

How Long Does It Take For Anorexia To Start

reklamożerców Night !!!!!

Last Friday in multicinemas several major Polish cities held a unique festival of advertising - Night Reklamożerców. This is the 8 th edition. Organizes it for 30 years in 40 countries around the world, while in Poland Poraz 19 in a row.

Reklamożerców Night is a unique spectacle in the world made exclusively from advertising. In addition to the Cannes Film Festival is the largest international advertising festival.

during this one special night films are shown from advertising from 54 countries. Every year, viewers can watch more than 400 carefully selected ads including the award-winning competitions, and prohibited non-broadcast ever.

ads displayed at the Night come from reklamoteki Jean Marie Boursicot - the world's largest archive of TV commercials. He has in its collection of over 500 000 advertising films from around the world. Each year the reklamoteki flows 25 000 new movies. For these films Jean Marie Boursicot compose a six-show, made exclusively from advertising.

Night Reklamożerców is not encyclopedic or festival review. Latest Ads are interspersed with archival photographs. Works great with kitsch, fantastic movies from touching, awarded at international festivals with never niewyemitowanymi.

During the show, each viewer receives a whistle. Whistles, laughter, shouts of joy, soaring balloons. All of this creates a unique atmosphere.

Project History The first edition of Night Reklamożerców the world took place in Paris in 1981 in a small cinema Kinopanorama and in 2004 the holy night of triumph in the largest and most prestigious cinema hall on the Seine Le Grand Rex. In the same year shall be held The first shows abroad, in Italy and Switzerland.

In 1990, the night is now shown in dozens of countries outside Europe including in Canada, Chicago and Sydney. In 1992, Night Reklamożerców is first shown in Warsaw and the next year also in Krakow and other Polish cities.

Who are Reklamożercy?

Reklamożercy enthusiasts and experts in the advertising, students of marketing, management, communication, philology. It's also fun fans and fans of the big screen. Every year the show brings together Polish environmental advertising agencies and media workers, journalists, students and youth.

Night Reklamożerców in the world:


  • best advertising English ( in collaboration with the APA Advertising Producers Association)
  • best car ads (in collaboration with Satcar Festival)
  • George Clooney and John Malkovich in advertising Nespresso
  • Budweiser - 35 years ago and today the best spots
  • agency DDB
  • rabbit Durex - making off
  • saga Polish Bison
  • TAC - Australian shocking campaigns for road safety campaigns
  • best social and humanitarian
  • global review of advertising of condoms (in collaboration with CONDOMFLY)
  • crisis seen through the eyes of Young & Rubicam
  • treasures reklamoteki Jean Marie Boursicot : missing pearls and silver, and kitsch hits from the past
  • by Claude Lelouch Contrex
  • 80th year - the golden age of advertising Estonian

+ additional block reklam w 3D
+ film Damiana Nenowa

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dna Fingerprinting Lab

history of advertising in Poland

The occurrence of advertising in Poland can speak of since the creation of the media. However, its presence clearly outlined in the nineteenth century, when the appearance of the mass press. Constituted an important source of finance for many newspapers. During the interwar period ad's position was strengthened through the development of the press market and also because it started its new media operation of radio and film.
advertising phenomenon was also present during the communist There was a special Institute of ads dealing with publishing and analysis. In 1957 he founded the Polish Radio Advertising Bureau in 1958 Editorial Board of Polish Television Advertising. The advertisements have to comply with the requirements of the party and the government of communist Poland, subject to censorship as much as television and radio programs. Since 1970 he has worked in TV Programmes Office Commissioned producing advertising programs. advertised only certain products due to a permanent deficit in goods. First of all systems and equipment, but also books, newspapers, cosmetics, food products and services from companies such as PZU state, PKO PKP. The first ad foreign films, specially adapted for the Polish consumers appear since 1989. Of great significance for the history of Polish television advertising was the creation of Advertising Office TVP in 1990. It was the body not only produces advertising but more importantly, dealt with the sale of airtime to advertising agencies and sponsors of television programs. However, even more important was the existence of public service broadcasting alongside commercial media, which have greater flexibility in allocation of air time.

What Do Balls Look Like

brief history of advertising in the world of words

Advertise accompanied mankind since thousands of years. Its formation and development of necessarily connected to the development of commerce and trade, as well as the emergence and development of mass communication as well as the refinement of methods and techniques of persuasion. With a history of the development tond advertising can be divided into three stages. Should start from the era przedmarketingowej, lasted roughly from the time of the earliest civilizations until the eighteenth century. One of the first then known and used methods of advertising was "outdoor advertising". She in the form of simple statements appearing on the walls of buildings or signs in the form of stone or terracotta. They offered, for example, property for rent, or drew attention to the location of the inn. The most famous was discovered in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii. Medieval merchants advertise their goods by shouting their advantages and prices. invention of printing by Gutenberg was one of the breakthroughs and began to use advertising as its printed form - press advertising.
In the second stage - an era of mass media lasting for about half of the twentieth century, it evolved into mass production. Then it recognized the need to reach with advertising to the largest group of recipients. Mass advertising was born. They began to build our first flyers, posters and placards, including passwords to advertise various products and places.
real invasion begins advertising at the time of the spread of radio and television. In an era of research began to be interested in the analysis of individual and collective abilities of consumers to target them for advertising slogans, increased interest in the product offered by the company. Advertising began to use radio, television and all other media through which you can communicate more advertising messages to the masses. And so in 1921 in Pittsburgh a few people with a radio receiver had the opportunity to be heard on broadcast stations KDKa advertising various goods and services. The history of the world's first TV spots were issued in the U.S. in 1939 by music television MTMJ-TV operation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This stage lasts until today. Every company wants to create a great advertising campaign. Hence so much emphasis is placed on the selection of modern techniques of communication and content (including advertising slogans) that in the best way to help achieve the goal established by the company in the form of increased sales.

Hair Highlights Images

On Advertising a few from the theoretical

Television is still the most popular medium in Poland but in the rankings is slowly displaced by the Internet. In studies of consumer culture, particular attention is paid to the autonomy and individuality of man, the multitude of scenarios available to design your own life and shaping his own identity. Television advertising is one of the most comprehensive source which provides examples of the human social behavior. Is a constant, albeit a very dynamic part of contemporary consumer culture and the culture wogule. It is one of the factors influencing the process of human socialization. Content of television advertisements embody information about what is the current trend, where and how to spend their free time to read books, watch the movie, which is the healthiest and safest in which to wear, what toothpaste to use, what behaviors are of greater social acceptance. Invested in them even know what to do to be "perfect" man, as impress and social acceptance or employment, or to refer success in life. The fundamental essence of advertising is an artificial reality imaging, which can subject to numerous changes and adaptations.

Some theorists argue that advertising landscape is the new reality, while still constantly forming and shaping it. The impact of advertising can not be called directly, because it is based on the exploitation of human emotions associated with its generalized aspirations in life. The inclusion in advertising of references to certain human desires, such as adequate social status, prestige, security, acceptance of one's person, fortunately, makes it a powerful tool to influence human social behavior and perceptions of gender roles.

practically all over the world have to deal with the total or even totalitarian impact of advertising on people's lives. Advertising has penetrated into our language, the way we perceive the world, shape our relationships with other people, whether we think. Modern man is accompanied by advertising at every turn. It is not an invention of recent years, decades or even centuries. Accompanied by humanity since the first forms of trade. Nowadays, it is easier to calculate places where the ads are not, than those in which it operates. The reasons for the ubiquity of advertisements for the vast majority of people are obvious. Advertising is designed to encourage to purchase various consumer goods, to use the various services offered, and most of all is to increase the profit of the advertiser. Advertising urge to buy things without it we would not hand [1] . Many psychologists and specialists in the field of advertising finds that the era of the modern world of advertising. Picture of reality created in the transmission of advertising, its content, it contains patterns and trends can be seen as knowledge which man acquires its common and widespread in their communities.
Explain the concept of advertising is difficult because of the ambiguity and complexity of the phenomenon, as well as for the sake of the multiplicity of functions it fully. It is interpreted differently by separate scientific fields such as psychology, sociology, economics, political science and communication, according to the approved conceptual context. Since advertising was in the sphere of interest in many scientific circles, on it created a lot of terms and concepts. But not yet developed a universal definition of a holistic and clearly ujmowałaby this issue.
One of the older explanations of the advertising found in Adwertising Age in 1964. In the context of advertising This " printed, manuscript, graphic or oral notice of the person, commodity, service or social movement explicitly derived from the customer advertising and paid by him in order to increase sales, expand customer, receive votes or public acceptance," . That notion has been created for the market economic order. In conclusion, this ad was treated as one method to influence the supply side. [2]
In his study Z. Bauer, E. Chudzinski also define advertising as any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of goods, services or ideas by a particular sender.
Explain the term advertising has its place in the Contemporary Polish language dictionary: the dissemination of information about the goods, their advantages, values and opportunities for the acquisition, praising someone recommending something by the press, radio, television: measures (eg posters, captions, ads, etc.) for this purpose [3] .
analysis presented above terminology, we can identify several common features. According to the message of each ad, the transfer of certain information, verbal or nonverbal turns a variety of form and containing the elements of persuasion. It is a general its purpose is considered to shape demand. Advertising is therefore a measure in the framework described sensations spread from the sphere of mental perception, by which commercial objectives are achieved. The universality of belief in the effectiveness of advertising is so large that it is now "almost all advertise almost anything" [4] . Particular product can be presented in the media with varying intensity. The primary function of advertising is to consistently induce the recipient to purchase the good or service, "try it". Behind this idea that after this "trying" to convince the advantages it offered good and permanently enters it into the list of their purchases. Advertising has always refers to something - a product service or an idea [5] . It can be said that the people buying the consumer goods they purchase it in two ways. In a physical sense to buy a product, commodity, and the psychological sense some idea of \u200b\u200bit, image, created by the advertising.
All these definitions contain an economic aspect. However, from the perspective of this work is driven in a research problem is more important aspect of psycho - social development. Therefore, the most important and most pertinent, however, seem to be a definition created by Margaret Bogunia - Borowska. An advertisement for the author "(...) type of measure, which not only reproduces the existing reality, but it sets trends and changes occurring in it, while retaining the basic features of social order." [6] treats it as a whole, as the process of constructing social and cultural reality. As well as creating a strategic area of \u200b\u200bsocial reality. It is the space in which the struggle takes place constantly on trends, directions and important changes taking place in society.
Without the experience of advertising messages by the recipient, the ad does not exist. It plays a role in shaping the social space culture when a man in some way to it will address, interprets. It is difficult to escape the influence of advertising. Currently, switching to other channels is practically pointless because, by agreement between the broadcasters are advertising blocks broadcast them nearly at the same time.

This text is an excerpt from my thesis, "Stereotypes of women in the Polish television advertising"

[1] D. Dolinski, Psychological mechanisms of advertising, Gdansk Psychology Publishing House, Gdańsk, 2005, s.8
[2] Z. Bauer, E. Chudzinski, Journalism and the world media, revised and expanded edition, s.337.
[3] B. Danube Contemporary Polish language dictionary , Langenscheidt Publishing, Volume II.
[4] M. Bogunia-Borowska Advertising as the creation of social reality , p. 17
[5] D. Dolinski, Psychological mechanisms of advertising, 2005, s.26
[6] M. Bogunia-Borowska Advertising as the creation of social reality, Jagiellonian University, Kraków 2004, p. 14

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Earth Energy Exploration Llc

This and that - a few words about advertising


One of the virtues by Tuwim is "just write the words that were cramped, and thoughts living space" - first of all at once I check that my art is not to succeed. I rather like the proverbial scribbler who writes just like having beautiful things.

protagonist here which I intend to devote their time for some is being annoying and unwanted whereas for others invaluable champion of shaping human behavior-that is ADVERTISING .:):):)
Advertise little in terms of theoretical, some practical but above all a whole bunch of examples of domestic and foreign advertising because it is my opinion the most interesting. I will try to create a ranking list of different categories of ads, from the most imaginative of the resulting flash of genius.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Best Swim Vest For Infant

Public works concession

Establishing companies

tel 503-300-503

Judgement of the Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw

of 22 November 2004

II SA 4473/2003

Since authority within the meaning of the Law on Public Procurement was community, it also served the status of the parties in the investigation conducted by the Procurement Office for approval mode source procurement. Referral to the Mayor makes the decision that it is vitiated as set out in Article. 156 § 1 point 4 of the APC, resulting in the annulment of


On 25 July 2003 based on Article. Paragraph 71. 1 and 1a of the Law on Public Procurement Municipality K.-J. appeared to express zgody na zwiększenie zakresu finansowego i rzeczowego umowy zawartej z wykonawcą wyłonionym w drodze przetargu na rozbudowę szkoły podstawowej. Wniosek podpisał Burmistrz Gminy. Wartość zamówienia miałaby być zwiększona o kwotę 245.045,59 zł. Konieczność zwiększenia zakresu finansowo-rzeczowego zamówienia uzasadniono błędnym wyliczeniem w kosztorysie inwestorskim i nakładczym ilości stali kształtowej i drewna klejonego; ujęciem w tymże kosztorysie zwykłej wykładziny PCV, zamiast wykładziny trwałej i trudnościeralnej (występuje tu wyłącznie dopłata do ceny materiału, bez zmiany zakresu robót); przyjęciem in the above. quotation frames instead of the usual stable wooden frames, without the quotation cost of aluminum facades, steel staircase with its fans, the podchwytu wooden staircase enclosure ventilation ducts, windows on the staircase and powder coating of steel parts visible; disregard the quotation in the works at a localized channel under the floor connecting the existing school, and also taking into account the cost estimate the cost of covering the entire roof with asphalt instead of a partial cover plate with layers of insulation and wood laminate wygłuszającymi.

applicant explained that all these errors were discovered during construction, and confirmed by the Office of Design and construction supervision of projects as a technical error, and estimate pricing. In his view, extract, and commissioned works of these artists selected as a separate contract for technical reasons it is very difficult and may cause disruption of the regulatory process, resulting in a failure to meet the deadline for completion of the first stage of the investment. As a condition for the application of free-hand mode indicated Article. Paragraph 71. 1, paragraph 5 of the Law on Public Procurement.

decision of 26 August 2003, the President of the Public Procurement Office "after examining the application K.-J. Mayor ..." refused to approve the mode-source procurement in the proceedings for the award of the additional works under the name of the task "Expansion of Primary School No. 4 in K.-J." .

support of its position emphasized that the mode of free-hand, being a derogation from the principle of competitiveness can be applied in the cases exhaustively listed in Article. Paragraph 71. 1 of the Law on Public Procurement a provision should be interpreted strictly.

his opinion in this case, all the conditions listed in Article. Paragraph 71. 1, paragraph 5 of the Law on Public Procurement. It can not be considered in the proposal that these works are ancillary works within the meaning of this Act. These are typical works, and the contractor does not need to be a primary implementer of the contract. In a situation where the market operates many contractors performing such tasks, which are able to meet the requirements of Complainant, use the procedure to ensure the principles of competition. Referring to the jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court expressed the view that the consequences of imperfectly structured investment process can not become the basis for the application of mode-source procurement based on the conditions set out in Article. Paragraph 71. 1 of the Law on Public Procurement.

In short, the President of the Public Procurement Office found no evidence of the Article. Paragraph 71. 1 point 1-6 of the Law on Public Procurement, which condition apply the free-hand.

letter dated 11 September 2003, the complainant requested reconsideration application. He alleged that the contested decision was adopted without careful consideration and take into account the lack of possibilities to entrust the performance of specific work to various companies. Increasing the financial scope of the work is apparent in most need of aid only from the contractor for the purchase of materials. The cost of materials in the quotation has been accepted because the calculated incorrectly, without the requirements of the project. Chairman of the Public Procurement Office has not explained doubt that in this case, you would launch a tender for the purchase of materials and execution of their use, or simply buy the same materials.

According to Complainant's salary increase due to the contractor because of the need to use other materials not associated at all with the implementation of additional works, but the Public Procurement Act does not regulate such issues directly. On the other hand, if in quotation incorrectly calculated the amount of material needed to build, use the tender could lead to a situation in which the same components would be performed by various artists.

According to the Complainant's additional works are those which need to provide for the implementation of the project, and were not even included in the estimates underlying the current contract with the contractor. Contrary to the Procurement Office "If this (residual) scope of work is not covered by the contract, may be assumed that such works could not have been foreseen" .

According to Complainant's Chairman of the Public Procurement Office relied on the literal rule without taking into account nature of the investment, its severity and the purpose for which it is conducted.

decision of 23 October 2003, the President of the Public Procurement Office upheld its decision issued in the first instance. Upheld the position of the uniqueness of the application of free-hand mode. Questioned the nature of the additional contract terms basic contract. In his opinion, indicated work can not be regarded as impossible to separate from the main contract, because they are typical works, and the market there are many companies capable of executing such works. Again pointed to the need due diligence in preparing technical documentation.

Mayor K.-J. that decision made a complaint to the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw, which filed for annulment of the contested decision.

He alleged that the President of the Public Procurement Office did not refer at all to the allegations and arguments raised in the appeal. Again pointed out that at least part of the work that community wanted to do was not eligible as additional works and the need to conclude further contract was due to subsidies for materials. The scope of work the contractor has remained unchanged. According to the Complainant in the disbursement of these amounts proposal should not be considered as a request for approval for additional works. Proceedings in this regard should be discontinued, as it did not relate to single-source procurement.

applicant acknowledged that the need for additional work order was the result of errors in calculating the cost estimate of the necessary material. However, in his opinion, was justified by the contractor commissioned this work in the free-hand mode, if not as works further, that the reasons set out in Article. Paragraph 71. 1 item 1 of the Public Procurement Act, as commissioned this work to another contractor was not possible for technical reasons.

complainant expressed the view that unmistakable lack of documentation and the consequences of their repair by the investor can not lead to a situation where within a single investment, each of its elements will be executed by another contractor.

In its defense, the President of the Public Procurement Office has applied for its remoteness. He reiterated the argument concerning the inapplicability of this on the mode of the free hand. In addition, he explained that Article. 71 paragraph 5 of the Public Procurement Act applies only to public contractor, and therefore may apply only to contracts for services or construction works within the meaning of. Two paragraphs. 1 point 1 and 3 of that Act. Contractor of the contract to supply because the term is defined "supplier" and services and construction works are carried out by "contractors" , as is clear from the wording of Article. Three paragraphs. 1 and Article. 12a of the Act. So it seems that the award include the purchase of carpets, door frames and materials necessary additions to the lift shaft is not possible on the basis of Article. Paragraph 71. 1 point 5 of the Public Procurement Act, as it is delivered. In the opinion of the President of the Public Procurement Office in this case it is a new order, which grant should be made by the Public Procurement Act. Referring to other work, such as works as a channel or a visible powder coating of steel, although it's hard to deny them the character of the works, it is difficult to concur with the assertion that it was not possible to predict. These works were in fact in the draft. The applicant has not complied due diligence in evaluating proposals and the need for an additional award is the result of negligence in this regard. According to the Procurement Office, these works are standard works, and therefore the executor need not be the same contractor who performs the original contract. The circumstances cited by the applicant did not allow recognition of the applicability of the mode of the free hand on the grounds of Article. Paragraph 71. A law on public procurement, public, therefore, also on Art. Paragraph 71. 1, point 1 of the Act.

Referring to the plea of \u200b\u200black of depth investigate the matter, the President of the Public Procurement Office explained that in support of its action has been brought to disregard the plea of \u200b\u200bthe decision of any difficulties that may arise for the Complainant as a result of the introduction of a new contractor. He claimed that the applicant has prepared a bad investment process, and it is not a circumstance justifying the use of free-hand mode.

According to art. 97 § 1 of the Act of August 30, 2002 - Regulations implementing the Act - the Law on Administrative Courts and the Law - Law on proceedings before the Administrative Courts (Journal of Laws 2002, No. 153. 1271, as amended.) cause assumed to recognize the Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw, which has held as follows:

Pursuant to Art. 134 § 1 of the Law on proceedings before administrative courts within the court decides the case, however, without being bound by the allegations and conclusions of the complaint and established legal basis.

President of the Office of Public Procurement is the central organ of state administration competent in matters of public procurement (Article 8. 1 of the Act (1) of 10 June 1994 on public procurement - Dz. U. 2002 No. 72 pos. 664, as amended.). This authority, leading the proceedings in individual cases decided by administrative decisions, apply the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure.

accordance with Article. 28 of the Code of Administrative Procedure is a party, anyone whose legal interest concerned, or who demands actions of the authority due to his legal interest or obligation.

The review by the Court in this case was the legality of the decision of the President Office of the Public Procurement refusing agree to apply the public procurement of awards. Interest in obtaining a decision in this regard was an entity which is contracting, providing a specific contract.

within the meaning of the Employer. Two paragraphs. 1, paragraph 5 of the Law on Public Procurement entity shall apply this law in awarding contracts.

accordance with Article. 4. 1 item 1 of the Public Procurement Act its provisions apply to contracts awarded by public sector entities within the meaning of the Act (2) of November 26, 1998 on public finances (Journal of Laws 2003 No. 15 item. 148, as amended.). The provision of Article. 5, point 1 of that Act provides that the public finance sector includes, inter alia, local government units and their bodies and unions.

Employer in this case was town K.-J. She also appeared in fact to the President of the Public Procurement Office to request their consent to the award, the mode of the free hand. The proposal was signed by the Mayor, as well as a request for a retrial, the contents of which clearly shows that the Municipality has implemented a task named "Expansion Primary School No. 4 in K.-J. ". That fact was confirmed by Agent Procurement Office at a court hearing.

provision of Article. 29 of the Code of Administrative Procedure provides that parties to the proceedings may be natural persons, legal persons, and when it comes to state and local government entities and community organizations - including entities without legal personality.

municipality has the status of legal person under the Article. 2, paragraph. 2 of the Act of 8 March 1990 the Local Government ( Coll. Laws of 2001 No. 142 item. 1591 as amended).. The mayor is the body of the municipality, as provided for in Article. 11a. 1 point 2 of that Act. It is the executive body (Article 26. 5), head of current affairs of the municipality and representing it on the outside (Article 31).

Under Article. 30 § 3 of the Administrative Procedure Code which is not a natural act through their legal or statutory representatives.

In this case, the Mayor has appeared in just such a character - as a representative (legal representative), municipalities, or contracting under the Public Procurement Act.

Since Municipality was contracting, it was considered that it was she, not the mayor, was a party to administrative proceedings conducted by the Procurement Office.

Meanwhile, the two decisions of the President of the Public Procurement Office shall be addressed to the Mayor's K.-J. It was listed in the sentences of decisions and they have been delivered to him. The mayor, not the municipality was regarded as the applicant, and though he is assigned the status page.

It should be noted that the Mayor, as the authority of the municipality belongs to the public finance sector, and therefore also is obliged to apply the provisions of the Public Procurement Act. According to the Court, however, it will be applied to situations where it occurs on its own behalf, as the head of the office such as municipalities and implementing funds related to the activities of this office.

Court did not examine whether, in this case, the Mayor had a legal interest in the occurrence to the President of the Public Procurement with the application for authorization to apply the free-hand, and thus whether it could be considered a party in the meaning. 28 of the Code of Administrative Procedure. Evaluation of the existence of the conditions listed in that provision for the Mayor would be necessary if the public procurement Municipal starred in his own behalf. The file shows, however, as we have already stressed that the mayor acted here on behalf of the community, without a doubt being a party to the proceedings.

Also the content of the decision is not clear that the mayor has been recognized as a party because they meet the conditions laid down in Article. 28 of the Code of Administrative Procedure. The mayor, moreover, also does not refer to those conditions, as justification for the request for a decision in the first and then in the second instance.

accordance with Article. 107 § 1 of the Code of Administrative Procedure in the decision should be found, inter alia, the party or parties. The only entity listed in the operative part of the decision is Mayor K.-J., designated as the applicant: "... following an examination K.-J. Mayor ..." . The content of the decision is clear, therefore, that the Mayor's Office of the President of the Public Procurement held a party to this proceeding, and sent him their decisions.

Since, as shown above, in fact, been a party to this proceeding Municipality as contracting authority, it was considered that the two decisions of the President of the Public Procurement Office was addressed to a person not a party to the case.

Weigh had and the fact that nowhere in the President of the Public Procurement Office did not specify the mayor as an entity acting on behalf of the community, representing her. During the entire procedure instancyjnego treated him as the applicant and his disputed claims, apart from the community.

term as Mayor of the entity, which must be served decision does not in itself would make him subject to which the decision was addressed. However, in the totality of content, whether it confirms that the President of the Public Procurement Office has consistently believed that the party was the Mayor.

In its ruling of 31 March 1998, IV, SA 884/96 Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw said: 'referral decisions to the authority of the legal person and designation of authority to a party to proceedings (instead of a legal person) and the imposition of certain orders and restrictions on that authority is tantamount to a decision directing a person not a party, which in turn causes the decision is vitiated by the invalidity of meaning. 156 § 1 point 4 of the APC. It should be noted that the imposition of specific obligations on the authorities of the legal person would be allowed only in the event of an express statutory authorization, ". The court composed of grayish to hear this share this view.

Targeting decision to a person not a party to the proceedings is thus a prerequisite annulment of the decision referred to in Articles. 156 § 1 item 4 of the Code of Administrative Procedure. In this case, the disadvantage referred to in that article were both affected by the decisions of the President of the Public Procurement Office. Therefore, the annulment had to address both of these decisions.

complaint filed in this case, Mayor. Since the addressees of the contested decision, it has become, within the meaning of. 50 § 1 of the Law on proceedings before administrative courts, the entity entitled to bring proceedings against that decision.

At this juncture, on the basis of Article. 145 § 1 item 2 of the Act of August 30, 2002 - Law on proceedings before administrative courts (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 153 pos. 1270, Coll. Laws 2004, No. 162, item. 1692) had to be ordered as in the sentence.

applicant requested that the "award of the costs according to the standards prescribed" . However, court records show that he was not called upon to pay an entry and it did not represent a professional representative. Since the complainant did not suffer any costs, there was no basis for a decision on their return based on Art. 200 Law on proceedings before administrative courts.

Decisions not to grant approval of the procurement procedure shall not be enforceable. Redundant It was therefore the inclusion of the mention of the verdict so far as they can not be made as provided in Article. 152 Law on proceedings before administrative courts.

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