Television is still the most popular medium in Poland but in the rankings is slowly displaced by the Internet. In studies of consumer culture, particular attention is paid to the autonomy and individuality of man, the multitude of scenarios available to design your own life and shaping his own identity. Television advertising is one of the most comprehensive source which provides examples of the human social behavior. Is a constant, albeit a very dynamic part of contemporary consumer culture and the culture wogule. It is one of the factors influencing the process of human socialization. Content of television advertisements embody information about what is the current trend, where and how to spend their free time to read books, watch the movie, which is the healthiest and safest in which to wear, what toothpaste to use, what behaviors are of greater social acceptance. Invested in them even know what to do to be "perfect" man, as impress and social acceptance or employment, or to refer success in life. The fundamental essence of advertising is an artificial reality imaging, which can subject to numerous changes and adaptations.
Some theorists argue that advertising landscape is the new reality, while still constantly forming and shaping it. The impact of advertising can not be called directly, because it is based on the exploitation of human emotions associated with its generalized aspirations in life. The inclusion in advertising of references to certain human desires, such as adequate social status, prestige, security, acceptance of one's person, fortunately, makes it a powerful tool to influence human social behavior and perceptions of gender roles.
practically all over the world have to deal with the total or even totalitarian impact of advertising on people's lives. Advertising has penetrated into our language, the way we perceive the world, shape our relationships with other people, whether we think. Modern man is accompanied by advertising at every turn. It is not an invention of recent years, decades or even centuries. Accompanied by humanity since the first forms of trade. Nowadays, it is easier to calculate places where the ads are not, than those in which it operates. The reasons for the ubiquity of advertisements for the vast majority of people are obvious. Advertising is designed to encourage to purchase various consumer goods, to use the various services offered, and most of all is to increase the profit of the advertiser. Advertising urge to buy things without it we would not hand [1] . Many psychologists and specialists in the field of advertising finds that the era of the modern world of advertising. Picture of reality created in the transmission of advertising, its content, it contains patterns and trends can be seen as knowledge which man acquires its common and widespread in their communities.
Explain the concept of advertising is difficult because of the ambiguity and complexity of the phenomenon, as well as for the sake of the multiplicity of functions it fully. It is interpreted differently by separate scientific fields such as psychology, sociology, economics, political science and communication, according to the approved conceptual context. Since advertising was in the sphere of interest in many scientific circles, on it created a lot of terms and concepts. But not yet developed a universal definition of a holistic and clearly ujmowałaby this issue.
One of the older explanations of the advertising found in Adwertising Age in 1964. In the context of advertising This " printed, manuscript, graphic or oral notice of the person, commodity, service or social movement explicitly derived from the customer advertising and paid by him in order to increase sales, expand customer, receive votes or public acceptance," . That notion has been created for the market economic order. In conclusion, this ad was treated as one method to influence the supply side. [2]
In his study Z. Bauer, E. Chudzinski also define advertising as any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of goods, services or ideas by a particular sender.
Explain the term advertising has its place in the Contemporary Polish language dictionary: the dissemination of information about the goods, their advantages, values and opportunities for the acquisition, praising someone recommending something by the press, radio, television: measures (eg posters, captions, ads, etc.) for this purpose [3] .
analysis presented above terminology, we can identify several common features. According to the message of each ad, the transfer of certain information, verbal or nonverbal turns a variety of form and containing the elements of persuasion. It is a general its purpose is considered to shape demand. Advertising is therefore a measure in the framework described sensations spread from the sphere of mental perception, by which commercial objectives are achieved. The universality of belief in the effectiveness of advertising is so large that it is now "almost all advertise almost anything" [4] . Particular product can be presented in the media with varying intensity. The primary function of advertising is to consistently induce the recipient to purchase the good or service, "try it". Behind this idea that after this "trying" to convince the advantages it offered good and permanently enters it into the list of their purchases. Advertising has always refers to something - a product service or an idea [5] . It can be said that the people buying the consumer goods they purchase it in two ways. In a physical sense to buy a product, commodity, and the psychological sense some idea of \u200b\u200bit, image, created by the advertising.
All these definitions contain an economic aspect. However, from the perspective of this work is driven in a research problem is more important aspect of psycho - social development. Therefore, the most important and most pertinent, however, seem to be a definition created by Margaret Bogunia - Borowska. An advertisement for the author "(...) type of measure, which not only reproduces the existing reality, but it sets trends and changes occurring in it, while retaining the basic features of social order." [6] treats it as a whole, as the process of constructing social and cultural reality. As well as creating a strategic area of \u200b\u200bsocial reality. It is the space in which the struggle takes place constantly on trends, directions and important changes taking place in society.
Without the experience of advertising messages by the recipient, the ad does not exist. It plays a role in shaping the social space culture when a man in some way to it will address, interprets. It is difficult to escape the influence of advertising. Currently, switching to other channels is practically pointless because, by agreement between the broadcasters are advertising blocks broadcast them nearly at the same time.
This text is an excerpt from my thesis, "Stereotypes of women in the Polish television advertising"
[1] D. Dolinski, Psychological mechanisms of advertising, Gdansk Psychology Publishing House, Gdańsk, 2005, s.8
[2] Z. Bauer, E. Chudzinski, Journalism and the world media, revised and expanded edition, s.337.
[3] B. Danube Contemporary Polish language dictionary , Langenscheidt Publishing, Volume II.
[4] M. Bogunia-Borowska Advertising as the creation of social reality , p. 17
[5] D. Dolinski, Psychological mechanisms of advertising, 2005, s.26
[6] M. Bogunia-Borowska Advertising as the creation of social reality, Jagiellonian University, Kraków 2004, p. 14
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