Advertise accompanied mankind since thousands of years. Its formation and development of necessarily connected to the development of commerce and trade, as well as the emergence and development of mass communication as well as the refinement of methods and techniques of persuasion. With a history of the development tond advertising can be divided into three stages. Should start from the era przedmarketingowej, lasted roughly from the time of the earliest civilizations until the eighteenth century. One of the first then known and used methods of advertising was "outdoor advertising". She in the form of simple statements appearing on the walls of buildings or signs in the form of stone or terracotta. They offered, for example, property for rent, or drew attention to the location of the inn. The most famous was discovered in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii. Medieval merchants advertise their goods by shouting their advantages and prices. invention of printing by Gutenberg was one of the breakthroughs and began to use advertising as its printed form - press advertising.
In the second stage - an era of mass media lasting for about half of the twentieth century, it evolved into mass production. Then it recognized the need to reach with advertising to the largest group of recipients. Mass advertising was born. They began to build our first flyers, posters and placards, including passwords to advertise various products and places.
real invasion begins advertising at the time of the spread of radio and television. In an era of research began to be interested in the analysis of individual and collective abilities of consumers to target them for advertising slogans, increased interest in the product offered by the company. Advertising began to use radio, television and all other media through which you can communicate more advertising messages to the masses. And so in 1921 in Pittsburgh a few people with a radio receiver had the opportunity to be heard on broadcast stations KDKa advertising various goods and services. The history of the world's first TV spots were issued in the U.S. in 1939 by music television MTMJ-TV operation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This stage lasts until today. Every company wants to create a great advertising campaign. Hence so much emphasis is placed on the selection of modern techniques of communication and content (including advertising slogans) that in the best way to help achieve the goal established by the company in the form of increased sales.
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