Thursday, December 16, 2010

Years Of No Breakout With Herpes


Yogurt, one of the many thousands of food products. On the Polish market, dozens of companies oferującyh yogurt in different flavors and variations and ads that promote them are overly homogeneous. The differences are almost negligible and the attempt to demonstrate their ends deadly boring. In virtually every advertising spot promoting the foodstuff in question, first we approximate the yogurt example of "natural" with pieces of fruit or a demonstration of spinning and przelewającego artistically in a plastic cup. The second part of the spot is of course the consumption of yogurt has 98% percent of the actors ends in ecstasy. Well ......

What if I reverse the roles and put the role of consuming yogurt and human consumed on the spot? A combination of unusual, especially if you create an ad in the style of American movie trailer for the 1985 "The Stuff".

"The Stuff"


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