Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lacrosse Tilt On Helmet

O O activity.

This entire active lifestyle, I will finish it. Probably because I mentioned that I obłapiam with different jujitsu boys on the industry, right? This also intertwines the gym and sometimes in tongues, though that's another story.

Anyway if jujitsu is industry-wide, rather they come boys. Or men. But it happens that sometimes come some - horror of horrors - a lesbian. Person would expect that come lesbian decent, with long teeth and chewing tobacco.

Ha! Unless it is a fragile blonde, so the fifty meter. And with a pleasant smile goes to the man and flip him on the mat so that his little nose nereczki wyfruną not. Thus, I learned two rolls by the hip. A further two kicks to be a victim of the hip. I can also be sauteed, and pretty well comes to me being kopniętym. Cool huh?


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